The 3 Signs That Your Car's Breaks Need Attention
Since your car's brakes provide essential safety for you and others while you are on the road, it is vital that they are always kept in good repair. If it has been a while since you had your vehicle's brakes professionally inspected, then it is advised that you do so. In addition, it is very important that you know the most common things to look for when automobile brakes are failing, including each of these three warning signs:
Sign #1: It is Harder to Stop Your Vehicle Than it Used to Be
If you have noticed that lately it seems harder to stop your vehicle or it takes a longer stretch of roadway to do so, then it is possible that the brake's pads are worn out. In order to stop your vehicle, your car's brakes press their pads against the brake's rotors. As the brake pads wear, they often do not wear evenly and over time this will cause them to take longer to stop your car because they are no longer completely able to connect with the rotors.
Sign #2: You Feel Vibration in Your Car's Gas Pedal when You Brake
If your car is stopping as well as it always did but you can feel an unusual vibration in the pedal when you apply the brakes, then this is a sign that the rotors have become out-of-round. When worn brake pads are repeatedly compressed against the rotors to stop your car, this can warp the rotors and will cause vibration in the pedal when you brake. The only way to stop this vibration is to have your brake pads replaced and the rotors resurfaced. To resurface the rotors they will be placed on a metal lathe in a machine shop and shaved down to make them perfectly round again. If they are too warped, then you will need to have them replaced.
Sign #3: You Hear Squealing Noises Coming from the Brakes
While not all squealing noises from your brakes signal a problem, often they do. Sometimes brakes will squeal simply from dust that has gotten between the pads and rotors. If you have recently driven on a dirt road, then a bit of noise should not concern you and should go away in short order. However, if your brakes keep squealing, then this is a sign that the pads are getting too thin and you should take you car for a brake inspection as soon as you can. Replacing the pads before they completely wear out will protect the rotors from damage and will lower your repair cost.
For more information, contact companies like Heritage Auto Pro.